From the recording Goddess of Edges (2023)

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” - Jack Kerouac
The Goddess of Edges meets her energy match who has been dealt a sorry hand…and yet he burns brighter and more alive with energy than the luckiest man alive. She feels his energy and is overcome…his love for life, for people, for goodness, for kindness, for passion…it astounds her and she is agape…
She wants the story to continue…her soul begs for the the story to continue…it is the happiest and saddest she has felt, simultaneously pulling at her extremes…
She rises and rises with her energy…higher and higher…up to the goddesses, who have influence over the gods…she goes above their heads…pleading for her chance at a love that shimmers with an intensity yet unknown to her being..
And then she meets the opposite energy…he was there all along…but didn’t show himself yet…waiting patiently…
The Goddess of Edges was not aware until after that the two opposites were meant to show her something within her…
The opposing spirit had everything to live for and maybe didn’t live fully yet…he was just learning to fly…learning to fly within the trajectory of the Goddess of Edges, if she would allow it…
These two opposing forces…so close in proximity to one another…bearing the same namesake…creates a paradox upon which the music hangs in the sky…
It becomes her…she is the one dying and trying to live simultaneously…she who dwells between feels it all…both despair and exhilaration…
And enter in the third energy…the Goddess of Edges has succeeded in describing the life and situation of her dear friend…who has been caught between too…who has shared such an affinity to her soul and heart…a dear friend…
“No wonder the artist’s form is piling one on top of the other. A life lived in the space of ‘between’ is untenable…the artist says to himself, hold on…just hold on tight. Folded one on top of the other, there is strength in the fortitude and enormous love for a life that is seemingly impossible to bear.’ Listen 51- MM.