From the recording Goddess of Edges (2023)

The Goddesses rage against the so called god, who has made himself the arbitrator of humanity. Killing at will, careless in his indiscriminate abuse of power over the helpless. The god who chooses suffering and evil over kindness and compassion, is not my god. This is not the god that I accept nor the creator of this world that I can live with. Everything in me rejects our existence…that such vile energy exists and was put on this earth. The suffering of the artist depicted in such anguish and pain…through timeless space…it is too much to bear.
Born in another time, I would have surely been burned at the stake. It doesn’t escape me now, that I live a very fortunate existence…in a peaceful country…shielded from most direct hits of earth’s horrors. Yet, I travel so fast through space and time…sometimes aimlessly shooting my energy out into the world where it is not being welcomed or received…
Yet to stop, if I stop creating energy, the energy vital for my music to be found and born, then I feel absolutely helpless and devoid of purpose and that’s even more painful to sit in that discomfort.
Which discomfort should I choose today? I choose the discomfort of burning…feeling the burning eyes and minds of pious humans…burning right through me…and of this god…who has placed burning inside me and inside those I love…those who can’t reciprocate because they are too afraid, or too hurt, or too confused…who’s bravery and voice has been taken away and their love hidden so far away…their energy withdrawing from my sphere…
Adding in the disappearance of my divine twin…could there be more energy driving through me??
Here is all that misplaced energy…from my discomfort…
Not sure you can enjoy this…it is not to enjoy…it is to experience and revel in the power of my energy…
Burn Her…She Burns…